Merchant Card Services - FAQ's

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 Merchant Card Services Questions

How can I begin to accept credit card payments?

What card types do we accept?

What methods can I use to process credit card payments?

我怎样才能上网使用Worldpay和American Express,查看月结和运行交易报告?

How can I research transactions, settlements and other information regarding my credit card processing activity?


Where can I order paper for my credit card terminal?

How can I find the credit card terminal identification number (TID)?

After a credit card transaction settles, how long will it take before I see the revenue in my cost or fund center?

Can we use Square, iPhones, or iPads on campus for mobile credit card payments?

What is PCI-DSS?

我的部门有一个活动,我们需要有能力接受信用卡付款.   Can I borrow a mobile credit card terminal?

I am trying to settle my credit card terminal and I forgot my password.  Can you help me?

我有问题,通过我的信用卡终端或通过我的网站支付形式处理信用卡交易.  Who do I call for help with these issues?

After contacting the Worldpay Helpdesk, 他们认定我的信用卡终端机无法使用,需要更换.  How do I get a replacement terminal?

What are the fees associated with credit card processing?

我收到了火狐体育下注过去处理的一笔交易的退款通知.  What do I need to do to resolve this chargeback?

When will I see my monthly processing fees posted within SAP?

Merchant Card Services Questions & Answers

How can I begin to accept credit card payments?


What card types do we accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover

What methods can I use to process credit card payments?

We offer several credit card processing methods, 包括信用卡刷卡终端机,可亲自(出示信用卡)进行交易, fax and telephone orders (both key entered and/or card-not-present); cellular swipe terminals that are portable and can be used anywhere you have cellular service (Mobile payments); as well as online payments via an internet payment gateway.  我们首选的网关是由我们的信用卡处理器提供的Worldpay Link互联网支付网关, Worldpay.  Additionally, 我们可以帮助商家通过他们的销售点(POS)系统整合信用卡交易处理.  In order to provide the best processing solution for your needs, please contact Treasury Services at  859-257-3969 to set up a consultation.

我怎样才能上网使用Worldpay和American Express,查看月结和运行交易报告?


How can I research transactions, settlements and other information regarding my credit card processing activity?

您可以访问Worldpay在线报告系统来运行和审查关于您的处理活动的许多报告, as well as access the Chargeback Manager system.  您还可以下载最近和以前的月度报表,以便用于对账.


Through the Worldpay Online Reporting system, you should run daily/monthly activity reports, including downloading your Monthly Processing Statement, 可以用来与您的信用卡终端和在线网关的日常结算进行比较,以便与SAP内成本中心的存款进行核对.  每个结算批次总额应与您的成本中心内的等额存款相一致.  Individual transactions will not be posted to your cost center, as they are in a lump sum within the daily settlement batch for each TID.

Where can I order paper for my credit card terminal?

Please contact Worldpay customer service at 877-282-7362 to order paper.

How can I find the credit card terminal identification number (TID)?

信用卡终端识别码(TID)位于信用卡终端侧面的贴纸上.  每个信用卡终端机侧面的贴纸上也有商户账号和Worldpay客服电话号码.

After a credit card transaction settles, how long will it take before I see the revenue in my cost or fund center?


Can we use Square, iPhones, or iPads on campus for mobile credit card payments?

No, 我们不允许校园内的部门使用这种技术来接受信用卡支付,因为在PCI-DSS合规性和行业内这些支付设备的安全性方面存在很多不确定性.  我们确实有移动支付的替代解决方案,校园里的许多部门都在使用手机刷卡终端.  如果您想了解更多关于手机信用卡终端的信息,请致电859-257-3969与财政部联系.

What is PCI-DSS?

支付卡行业数据安全标准或PCI-DSS是一项信息安全标准,适用于处理包括Visa在内的主要信用卡品牌的组织, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB.  PCI标准由卡品牌授权,并由支付卡行业安全标准委员会管理.  制定该标准是为了加强对持卡人数据的控制,以减少信用卡欺诈.

我的部门有一个活动,我们需要有能力接受信用卡付款.   Can I borrow a mobile credit card terminal?

Yes.  请致电859-257-3969与库务处联络,预约信用卡终端机.  You will need to complete a Request to Borrow Credit Card Equipment form.  Please reserve the credit card terminal early, as we process many requests.

I am trying to settle my credit card terminal and I forgot my password.  Can you help me?


我有问题,通过我的信用卡终端或通过我的网站支付形式处理信用卡交易.  Who do I call for help with these issues?

Anytime you are having problems processing transactions, you should first contact the Worldpay Helpdesk at 877-282-7362.  You will need your Terminal ID (TID) and/or your Merchant ID (MID), 这两者都印在信用卡终端的贴纸上.

After contacting the Worldpay Helpdesk, 他们认定我的信用卡终端机无法使用,需要更换.  How do I get a replacement terminal?


What are the fees associated with credit card processing?

与信用处理相关的实际交易费用取决于多种因素,如处理方法, card brand being used, type of card (debit/credit), category of card (Rewards, Business, points, etc.), and many other factors.  Typically, 大学商业部门的累计信用卡处理费在2.0-2.5%.  有几个固定的,一次性的成本用于处理设备和网关设置费用.  请致电859-257-3969与财政部联系以获取更详细的信息.

我收到了火狐体育下注过去处理的一笔交易的退款通知.  What do I need to do to resolve this chargeback?

您可以通过Worldpay在线报告系统的在线退款管理器访问和处理您的退款.  From the Chargeback Manager, 然后,您可以访问退款的详细信息,并上传任何支持文件,以对退款提出异议.  然后,您可以通过chargeback Manager系统跟踪退款的状态.  For any assistance with Chargebacks, you can contact the Worldpay Chargeback team by calling 877-282-7362.

When will I see my monthly processing fees posted within SAP?

信用卡手续费在一个月内累积(不是从你的日常结算中扣除).  At the beginning of each month, usually by the 7th business day, 处理员将从你的账户中扣除上个月的累计费用.  These fees will be posted to G/L 530112 within your designated cost center.