
Faculty and Staff Resources

As individuals who work closely with UK students, you may encounter distressed students in your offices or classrooms. Your role could be a crucial and positive one in identifying and referring students who are experiencing some difficulty with academic, career, or personal concerns.


What You Can Do

You may want to call for a consultation to discuss your concerns about a student. One of our clinicians will help you clarify what may be the most helpful way to approach the student, including a possible referral. For more information, please visit our Consultation web page.


Talk to the student directly and express your concern. Give the student the Counseling Center phone number (257-8701) and website and encourage them to make an appointment.

If the situation is a crisis/urgent: Call the Counseling Center (257-8701) and state, "This is a crisis/urgent situation. The student needs an appointment immediately."

If a student has a weapon or threatens you, call 911.

We consider a situation to be a crisis when there is:

  • Imminent danger of physical harm to self and/or others, and/or
  • Disabling emotional distress, e.g., insomnia, uncontrollable crying, agitation, inability to manage daily tasks.


What We Do

Assessment of the Student

In the initial consultation a clinician will assess the student's needs and what services may be appropriate. The following options may be considered:

  • Further assessment using career, learning skills, and/or psychological testing
  • Individual, group, couples, or family counseling sessions
  • Referral to other departments or services on campus and/or in the community

Services Offered at the Counseling Center

  • Crisis intervention
  • Time-limited individual counseling
  • Career assessment and counseling
  • Self-exploration groups
  • Couples counseling
  • Grief interventions
  • Focused short-term groups
  • Psychological assessment
  • Consultation
  • Outreach presentations
  • Referrals


We understand that you may be interested in the progress of the student you have referred; however, we are bound by the principles of confidentiality as defined by the Ethical Principles of Psychologists (American Psychological Association) and can release information only with written permission from the client.

We Can

  • Answer your questions concerning steps to take in assisting students in coming to the Counseling Center
  • Offer you information about psychological concerns and problems in general

We Cannot

  • Say whether a student is being seen here or has kept an appointment
  • Discuss the content of sessions
  • Discuss treatment plans or progress

A student may find it in his/her best interest for information to be shared with faculty, staff, a family member or significant other. A student must complete a release form (Form is a PDF document.)  to the counseling center for information to be shared with anyone. The release form must be completed, signed, and dated. It can be completed online, hand-delivered, faxed to (859) 257-3319, or mailed to the Counseling Center at 106 Frazee Hall Lexington, KY 40506-0031. If this form is faxed or mailed, we may require independent verification from the client that this release is authentic and should be acted upon.


Who is Eligible

Any fee-paying student enrolled for at least 6 credit-bearing hours at the University of Kentucky can use Counseling Center services. Fee-paying students are eligible for summer services if they are enrolled in at least one credit-bearing credit either summer session, or paid for at least 6 credit-bearing hours in the spring and are pre-registered for 6 credit-bearing hours the next fall. Masters students and Doctoral candidates registered for 0 credit thesis/dissertation hours are eligible during any semester.