
  • You are considered a first-time freshman if you have applied to and/or have been accepted to UK and plan to begin college in the upcoming semester. High school seniors are typically considered first-time freshman.  Note: Applicants to HHS are considered transfer students if they are currently enrolled at UK or have previously COMPLETED at least one semester of college, either at UK or at another institution.
  • Prospective applicants not currently enrolled at UK (first-time freshmen and transfer students), will apply through the University of Kentucky central admissions application sources.  
  • If you are a first-time freshman or transferring from another institution who has already submitted your UK application and did not choose Human Health Sciences as your primary major of interest and would now like to have your application reviewed by the Human Health Sciences Admission Committee, you will need to contact your admissions officer for a post-submission application.
  • See Important Application Information below
  • Admissions Process/Notification Timeline

Students enrolled at UK and wish to be considered as an internal transfer student (change of major) must submit a supplemental application.

Apply Now

The application must be submitted in one sitting.  There is no way to save your work.  Ensure you have all materials and essay responses ready prior to beginning the application. Application materials received after the posted deadline will not be considered in admission review.

  • Admission to HHS is a selective process. Students are evaluated comprehensively based on GPA, leadership and extracurricular involvement, and alignment with missions and goals of the HHS program as evidenced by essay responses.
  • Your essays are very important in the HHS application review process. Please spend time and be thoughtful when writing your essays. Be sure to provide specific examples to support your ideas that will help us get to know you better as a person and also be sure to edit your essays for mechanical errors prior to submitting them. With each essay you write, help us to learn something new about you, your experiences, and your goals.
  • Please note that your application will be reviewed based on the information supplied at the time of submission. No supplemental materials (i.e., updated course grades or updated GPA, updated list of activities, etc.) will be accepted post-submission of your application.
  • FAQs