Director's Message

Although the University of Kentucky offers a variety of options for students interested in the healthcare professions, our baccalaureate degree in Human Health Sciences (HHS) is unique, offering an integrated, interprofessional undergraduate program preparing students for various healthcare professions. The Human Health Sciences degree program prepares students to pursue advanced degrees in Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant Studies, Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Audiology, and Optometry. The degree program provides students with the needed prerequisites for professional programs in the sciences and mathematics, while also providing students with skills required to become a patient-centered healthcare provider.

The curricular activities utilize an interdisciplinary approach to help students develop a more holistic approach to patient-centered care by working, studying and experiencing healthcare. We seek to instill in students an appreciation for all healthcare disciplines, independent of their own professional career aspirations and a willingness to assume responsible roles as healthcare providers.

The College of Health Sciences has a dedicated, nationally and internationally, renowned teaching faculty. In addition, we have a number of co-curricular opportunities for our students including service to the Commonwealth, a living-learning community, a research certificate for undergraduates, as well as study abroad opportunities. I encourage you to browse our website to explore all the reasons for making Human Health Sciences your undergraduate home!

We welcome questions regarding our program. Please feel free to contact or our Director of Undergraduate Studies in HHS, Dr. Jami Warren, at

Dr. Jami Warren, Assistant Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Human Health Sciences
College of Health Sciences