Perry County Students Improve Accessibility at Local Park Through UK's CARAT-TOP Program

Video produced by The University of 肯塔基州 Center of Excellence in Rural Health (UK CERH). To view captions 为 this video, push play and click on the CC icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. If using a mobile device, click on the "thought bubble" in the same area.

风险,肯塔基州. (2022年7月5日) 今年夏天,佩里县中心高中(PCC)的学生们在佩里县公园忙着完成项目,帮助残疾人更容易进入公园. 这个由17名学生组成的小组是第一批完成为期八周的“协调和协助辅助技术的重用:共同优先”培训的学生, 被称为CARAT-TOP,.is a new intergenerational training program created by the University of 肯塔基州 Center of Excellence in Rural Health (UK CERH)肯塔基州 Appalachian Rural Rehabilitation Network (KARRN). 它将来自当地高中和社区的各种能力的学生聚集在一起,学习新技能,以帮助受残疾影响的个人和社区. 

During the spring semester, students participated in learning activities to increase their knowledge about accessibility, assistive technology and devices, 通用设计, how to approach leaders in the community, and how to create real-life solutions. 下一个, 学生们把注意力转向了确定一个社区地点,在那里他们可以利用他们的新知识做出改变. The students chose Perry County Park, 分成小组,开始研究公园是否有机会改善迷你高尔夫球场的可达性, 池面积, playground and picnic shelters. Students presented their proposed projects to the Perry County Fiscal Court 为 consideration. 这些项目得到了佩里县行政法官斯科特·亚历山大的批准,并得到了CARAT-TOP赠款的资助, given by the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities, giving the students the green light to move 为ward.

选择操场区域的小组拆除了操场两个区域的隔离墙,并安装了轮椅通道的橡胶砖. 迷你高尔夫小组在球场的边缘涂上颜料,以提高对深度和人行道边缘的感知, 并增加了带有led灯杆和寻呼机的旗子,以便有视力和听力障碍的人能够更好地进入球场. 选择游泳池区域的小组在游泳池的边缘涂上颜色,以帮助有视力障碍的游泳者. 他们还降低了入口台的一侧,使任何坐轮椅的人都能拿到表格或付款, and create a wheelchair accessible entrance into the area. The final group chose the picnic shelter area, where they identified the need 为 wheelchair-accessible benches and painting the edges of the entrance.


学生们在学年结束时的一个特别活动中得到了认可,他们在那里获得了完成CARAT-TOP项目的证书. Students also provided walking tours to those in attendance, including elected leaders, 学校官员, 父母, and CARAT-TOP organizers from the UK CERH.

Alexander and other officials in attendance, including State Sen. Brandon Smith and State Rep. 克里斯Fugate, 赞扬这群学生采取如此重要的主动行动,将项目付诸实施,将使整个社区受益,并产生持久的影响. 

“CARAT-TOP是专门为了让下一代成为他们社区的变革推动者而创建的. Seeing that the certificate ceremony was all 为 them initially boggled their minds,帕特里克·基茨曼说, Ph.D.他是纽约大学 UK College of Health Sciences. “然而, by the end I think they were able to begin seeing in themselves what we all have seen; that they are important, relevant and capable of making real change in their community,"

“CARAT-TOP的第一年非常鼓舞人心,因为我们的青年和社区伙伴相互学习,以确定, plan and implement ideas to improve our community 为 people of ALL abilities." said Fran Feltner, Ph.D., director of the UK CERH. "I was impressed by how our youth are becoming the leaders of tomorrow. Great things can and will happen.”

CARAT-TOP项目将在不久的将来扩大,不仅为PCC的学生提供机会, but also 为 students at Buckhorn High School and Hazard High School. As CARAT-TOP continues to grow, future participants will have the opportunity to learn even more skills, including how to refurbish used medical equipment, adapt toys and other assistive technology devices, prototype new parts and develop strategies 为 engaging community stakeholders including leaders, 企业, 信仰社区, local media and others.

For more in为mation about CARAT-TOP, contact Keisha Hudson, Rural Project Manager at UK CERH, 最好的 or 606-439-3557. 


关于 Coordinating and Assisting the Reuse of Assistive Technology:  Together One Priority (CARAT-TOP)

CARAT-TOP是由火狐体育下注农村健康卓越中心和肯塔基州阿巴拉契亚农村康复网络创建的一个为期10周的代际培训项目,旨在将当地高中和社区的各种能力的学生聚集在一起,学习新技能,以帮助受残疾影响的个人和社区.  In addition to the 10-week intergenerational training program, CARAT-TOP also includes: Project CARAT, a medical equipment refurbishing and reutilization program; Toys with a Purpose: Adapted Toy Lending Library; and a work为ce development internship/apprenticeship program.

关于 the University of 肯塔基州 Center of Excellence in Rural Health

火狐体育下注农村健康卓越中心于1990年根据州立法建立,旨在解决肯塔基州农村地区的健康差距和我们社区面临的独特挑战. The mission was and still is today to improve the health and well-being of rural Kentuckians. For more than two decades, the center has partnered with communities, 供应商, students and individuals to provide health professions education, 卫生政策研究, health care service and community engagement toward reaching this mission.

关于 the 肯塔基州 Appalachian Rural Rehabilitation Network

肯塔基州阿巴拉契亚农村康复网络(KARRN)是一个协作团队,倡导为受残疾影响的社区赋权. 成立于2008年, 这个社区参与的网络研究并制定了减少残疾和改善神经损伤(脊髓损伤)患者生活质量的策略。, 脑损伤(BI), 中风, 等.) living in underserved and impoverished rural Appalachian counties. 在KARRN的保护下是物理治疗学生管理的项目CARAT(协调和协助辅助技术的再利用). 火狐体育下注农村健康卓越中心很高兴成为KARRN和CARAT项目的长期合作伙伴.

Read the original UKNow article

The University of 肯塔基州 is increasingly the first choice 为 students, faculty and staff to pursue their passions 和ir professional goals. 在过去的两年里, Forbes has named UK among the best employers 为 diversity, and INSIGHT into Diversity recognized us as a Diversity Champion four years running. UK is ranked among the top 30 campuses in the nation 为 LGBTQ* inclusion and safety. UK has been judged a “Great College to Work 为" three years in a row, and UK is among only 22 universities in the country on Forbes' list of "America's Best Employers.“我们的研究支出在公共机构中排名前10%,这是我们作为一所专注于改变生活和社区的发现的大学的广度和深度的有形象征。. 我们的病人知道并感激火狐体育官网入口连续五年被评为国家顶级医院. Accolades and honors are great. 但它们更重要的是它们所代表的理念:创造一个归属感和追求卓越的社区,是我们履行使命的方式,而不仅仅是火狐体育下注, 但是大学  肯塔基州.